About us

Manzoni Consulting Group was founded in 1990 by a group of young and brilliant consultants who, under the leading of Robin Davy, have built their own successful paths in the following years.
In 2018, from the experience and the enterprise of a group of capable professionals, the new MCG was born, a reality that makes "tailor-made" solutions for business by combining its experts' skills.



Manzoni Consulting Group undertakes to successfully face discontinuity moments in a company’s life.

For us consulting means to help Businesses solve their problems and not just to provide time and specialistic skills.

Manzoni Consulting Group owns capability and skills to identify the real issue to be solved discerning it from the warnings and the backlashes.
What distinguishes us is the ability to use logic and creativity to trigger the solution for the stated problems from the integration of our knowledge and our experience.
The main distinctive factor of Manzoni Consulting Group is the proficiency in carrying out the change, to translate indeed the designed solutions in effective changes that modify the firm’s reality in the aimed direction.
Our company combines professional skills (problem solving, communication, change and relationship management) with specialized skills (functional, sectorial and thematic).



We’ve limited the intervention field as distinctive feature that translates in warranty of high quality and professionality

Logistics and transports

Retail and distribution

Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Fashion and Luxury


Contact us

Fill the form for any enquiry

+39 02 36539616
Corso di Porta Romana, 122, 20122 Milan, Italy
Via XII Ottobre, building no. 12, unit 10, staircase A, 6th floor, 16121 Genoa, Italy